Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Snatch It, Baby!

Much to my consternation, no WOD was posted online before I went to class at 6:30 this morning.  I like knowing what to expect, or in some cases, fear!  This morning we had to find our 2RM hang power snatch, then do an 8 minute amrap of 5 burpee box jumps and 7 hang power snatches.  Rx for women was 55#.  No way in hell.  I had never done these before, but luckily, due to my own inner geekiness, I was watching videos on YouTube on how to do a full snatch.  I actually practiced it with a wooden stick. If I hadn't, I would probably have been totally confused, to say the least! It is a complex move.
I started out with the 15 # training bar, because I really wanted to feel it out.  I wound up having a 2RM of 55#, and MAYBE could have done more, but I still want to focus more on form and safety at this point with a move like that.  For the amrap, I used 45#, and fell one rep short of 6 rounds!  I was happy enough with that for now.  Again, today was another example of overcoming that fear of lack of skill and ability.  Granted, I am by no means perfectly executing this movement, but it is a step in the right direction! Yay!