Monday, February 20, 2012

Not as bad as I thought...

I have been feeling pretty pathetic. For one thing, I did NOT eat well this weekend.  Indian food, cookies, candy, wine, beer, I mean, give me a break!!! What is my problem? And I totally felt like shit afterwards.  Had to get up early this morning to do a little spot on the news for work, and was totally foggy.  Ug. Going to get back on track with a vengeance.
 I didn't get to go to class on Friday morning last week, because my stepdaughter puked all over our hotel room, and I just couldn't sleep after that.  Figures.
 I fell on my head again trying to do a handstand yesterday.  Why, Oh Why???!!! I have done it successfully several times!  I can hold it for 40 seconds!  It is just that my stupid brain cannot seem to coordinate the transition when it happens quickly.
Maybe I have fallen on my head too many times.
Yesterday I totally sucked at double unders.  At one point, I was like...screw it!  I have been putting in so much work and I am getting worse, not better.  Screw it.
 However.....I am not as bad as I thought.
Tonight in class, I got my first complete Rx.  Hell yeah!
To get that Rx, you have to do the WOD as prescribed- no scaled modifications. (Less weight, pushups on knees, etc.)
First we had to find our 5rm for hang squat cleans.  I got to 85# and decided I had had enough.  Maybe I could have done more, but these are new for me.  A couple of weeks ago I almost went down doing full squat cleans!  Seriously, had I not caught myself, that barbell and I would have crashed backwards through the freezers! Typical. hah
So then we had a 10 minute amrap of: 5 hang squat cleans (Rx for women was 65#), 10 pushups, 15 double unders.
I totally had a breakthrough with the double unders and got into a good rhythm of single, double, single, double etc.  Felt like I was going to die, though, Holy Crap!  So I only got five rounds total, but I got the Rx, baby!  Form, weight, speed, then the ability to combine all three.  That's where I want to be.
It doesn't matter if I place in the challenge or not.  Through my efforts I am becoming a stronger athlete, and that, at the end of the day, is really the point. Still striving to become that better version of myself.