I happened to have Jan. 16th off of work, and I'm thinking, "Man, it sucks that I have to be at the gym (according to my online class schedule) at 6:00 a.m. for this initial testing." I went out to dinner and to a movie with a friend the night before, and did not get enough sleep at all. So I walk into Iron Tribe all bleary-eyed, and notice something odd. The 5:45 class is in progress, and no one else is there. Damn. Please don't tell me I came here this early on my day off for no reason. So I ask one of our coaches about it, and he's like, "Oh, yeah, you just do the testing in any class today throughout the day." He's kind of laughing, and tells me I can just do the 6:30 class.
Great. I am obviously the only person in the whole constest who didn't know this. Typical.
So I do 6:30, and my results were as follows:
5 rounds in the AMRAP WOD with a 55# barbell (Yeah, whimpy, I know...)
20 pullups with the black rubber band (Lame. But at the time, I wasn't sure WHAT I should use....)
20 double unders ? I think? That seems like a lot, since I am so bad at them.
165 # max deadlift
NO handstand hold. Zero. Have no idea what I'm doing. Not strong enough to wall climb into valid position either. (I am terrified of stunts of any kind, and have been dropped on my head in the past.)
1.7 seconds for the L-sit (It is so damned hard it is almost impossible!)
1:27 400 meter run (I am ok with this.)
Now that Iron Tribe has an official record of my lameness, I set out to make a training plan that will mold me into a LESS lame athlete over the next six weeks. I am an AFAA certified personal trainer, but I do not train anyone. Why not? Because I am selfish about my own limited workout time, and up to this point, the certification course has just served to feed my own geeky obsession with exercise science. So here is what I came up with.....