Today marked the end of the Transformation Challenge at ITF. I had really been feeling down on myself, and felt like I really hadn't made the progress that I had wanted to. I am not used to failure. In the beginning, I thought surely in six weeks I will be able to kick up into a handstand like all the other normal people.
Apparently I am not normal, because, every time I do it, it is a crapshoot as to what will happen. But at least it is not for lack of strength. Oh well.
I really thought I would make more progress with my pullups, but my arm injury halted some of that. I am happy to say that I can now do 7 chin ups in a row, so that's good at least.
So this morning we got re-tested on all of the required perfomance elements. Here's what happened.
Baseline WOD: original score- 5 rounds, today's score-6 3/4
Pullups (using black resistance band. I should have not originally tested with this): original-21, today-24 Damn, that sucks.
Double unders in 2 minutes: original-20 (stop/start), today- 45 (continuous-alternating single, double)
Max deadlift: original- 165#, today 185#
Handstand hold (I wall-walked up): original- 0, today- 1:05
L-sit hold: original-1.7 seconds, today-10.89 seconds
400m run: original-1:28, today-1:19
Well, I don't think I am going to win any awards, but I am a stronger, better athlete! I was pretty happy with the results for the most part. It was cool seeing my other competitors pushing themselves and being really happy with the results. Pretty damn cool.
Again, the kind of accomplishments you can experience in a situation like this- getting stronger, overcoming fears- spill over into other areas and make you a better person all around.
I hope to take to the streets again this weekend. And the IT Band on my right side better stay the hell out of the way.