So for the past few weeks, I have been going to Iron Tribe on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, where I do the WOD. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I practice wall climbing into a good handstand hold, do L-sit progressions, and sometimes do double unders. I usually do more of those on Sunday. Then on Saturdays, I have been doing the AMRAP WOD (gone from 5 to 6.5 rounds with a barbell that is 10# heavier!), along with pullups, and some hip rehab work, and then on Wednesdays nights I teach Body Pump at the Alabaster Y, then head over to the Shades Valley Y to train deadlifts, pullups, and more hip rehab stuff. Yeah, I've been pretty busy. I think I need to rest more!
I have fallen on my head twice now, trying to kick up into the handstand hold, probably because I just am not focusing on locking my arms. Dumb. Now I am even more scared to do it! But I know I am strong enough!
I have bruised the hell out of my shins with a barbell a few times a week now, so my legs look like crap, and I have repeatedly bruised my knuckles with my speed rope when I mess up the double unders.
Oh- did I mention, bruised collarbone from power cleans as well?
My husband does not like this.
Before it is over with I will look like a UFC competitor.
I'd finally begun to really gain some ground with unassisted overhand grip deadhang pullups, but of course, now my left forearm is injured. Muscle strain or something. It's no wonder....
Clearly I need to chill out. So I'm just gonna take a step class and run this weekend.
So here's where the Big Hell Yeah comes from- This morning in class we had to do a partner WOD where you take turns doing 5 handstand pushups, 10 deadlifts, and 15 med ball cleans. As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. Every five minutes, one of the coaches would blow a whistle, and you and your partner have to stop and do 30 burpees. Jeez. Rx for deadlilfts was 125#, med ball was 14#. And....I did it!! Still had to have my feet in the windowsill for the HSPU, but I am definitely making progress! I am just happy to be improving. At this point I would rather be slower and go for the Rx, rather than blow through the WOD quickly. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do both.....