Saturday, February 11, 2012

Former Vegetarian Finding the Inner Caveman

I have been doing Crossfit for approximately 12ish weeks now? A few weeks into it, I began to make the Paleo diet modifications.  To eat Paleo aka caveman, you only need to eat meat, veggies (no potatoes or corn), fruit, nuts and seeds.  Nix the grains, sugar, dairy. I am somewhat good with this.  I eat lots of different salads, eggs, veggie/egg souffles, veggie soup, kale chips, nuts, pastrami turkey, etc.  I am always looking for something new in this area.  I do not eat 100% Paleo.  I eat soy sauce, and probably get certain sugars or dairy stuff from sauces or dressings, and I use stevia as a sweetener.  The thing I like about the Paleo philosophy is that it is not some kind of diet fad thing that is not maintainable in the long term.  You are not re-programming your body to use something unnatural as a source of energy, and it emphasizes total long term health.  I am lucky in the respect that I was essentially raised by vegetarian hippies, and any fast food, chocolate, caffeinated thing was like a four letter word in our household.  So this whole Paleo thing might be a little easier for me than some...however, I am trying to branch out in the "meat" direction.
When my husband and I got married, it was an unlikely match.
Meat Barbecue Man meets Veggie Girl....
I began eating chicken and seafood, and admittedly, I am a total food snob now.  Only the freshest fish from Whole Foods, and only organic chicken from the same place.  If I do delve into beef, it must be organic, and grass-fed.  Period.
A typical day's diet for me would be as follows:
Pre-workout at 5:45- Amazing green meal replacement, coffee, and chia seeds
Post-workout at 7:15- a protein shake
At work- an apple and a handful of raw almonds
Lunch-veggie souffle, turkey, green beans
Mid-afternoon- split pea soup, turkey, kale chips or almonds
Later on- Bananna Lara Bar
Dinner- Chinese takeout- Mongolian chicken, Mixed vegetables
Really, I feel like I can go pretty much anywhere and eat mostly Paleo-  Mexican= chicken fajitas, veggies, guacamole, sour cream, salsa.....  Indian= Hot tandoori fish, a veggie dish.... Chick-fil-A- nuggets and a salad.... see, it can be done for the most part.

Now, my #1 weakness is wine and such.  Presently, I am having a diry martini.  Even when I drink and cheat, I still try to eat well, ex- Japanese- grilled shrimp and salmon with mixed veggies.
I will lie and pretend that I didn't eat about 20 girl scout cookies last weekend.
Before I joine Iron Tribe, it was not uncommon for me to have a drink or two most days of the week.
Now, I MIGHT drink a little on Wednesday nights, but reserve most it for the weekend. And I am trying to cut down  on the weekend amounts.
I know this change has had an effect on my appearance.  Thank goodness, or I would just keep doing it! :)
But really, total health is a big part of it all, vanity aside!
I am so happy to be getting stronger as well.  In the WODs, these are my priorities: Proper form/technique/safety, RX weight, speed.  So looking forward to when I can easily combine all three elements!